New cell phone Nokia Lumia 929: The Best Lumia only for Verizon?

In his last press conference, Nokia introduced the world's two future models: hybrid between tablet and smartphone that does not suit...

In his last press conference, Nokia introduced the world's two future models: hybrid between tablet and smartphone that does not suit all palms. The Lumia 929, it could attract more people ...but ...

but it may be a U.S. exclusive. Video, since removed, was posted on YouTube showing the smartphone with Verizon, the famous American operator logo. So it is quite possible that this model has a global version also, but it's still pretty bad start, when the only information we have on him just leak a U.S. operator: they have to used to have exclusive smartphones to attract customers. And it will be a shame in the case of the Nokia 929 the new cell phone coming out.
And why Lumia is it so interesting? Because if you believe the leak characteristics in recent weeks, we have hands the real high-end smartphone manufacturer for the end of 2013. Imagine instead:
  • A 5-inch 1080p Full HD
  • A quad-core Snapdragon processor
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 32GB of storage
  • A photographic PureView 20.7 megapixel sensor
In other words, what would be the characteristics of the Lumia 1520 unveiled earlier last week, but in a smaller setting, that would reach more people. It is a high-end Lumia smartphone, shoulder to shoulder in all areas with the very best in the competition, especially on Android. So, we regret that it is not presented at the conference last week, but we would regret even more his absence in the event that it is an American exclusive. It is with a model like this, without any compromise, Nokia could take market share from the competition.

# The most innovative smartphone 2014, Nokia Lumia 920 with Windows 8

watch this video of the new Nokia Lumia 920

New cell phone Nokia Lumia 929

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The New cellular Phones Coming out 2017: New cell phone Nokia Lumia 929: The Best Lumia only for Verizon?
New cell phone Nokia Lumia 929: The Best Lumia only for Verizon?
The New cellular Phones Coming out 2017
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